Spring is (finally) in the air...
Spring is in the air and I cant wait to start having more daylight hours.
The children and I are well and truly fed up with Hibernating!

The birthday boy and i went to Rome at the weekend (photo) we had serious feet ache by the end of it but what a fabulous city. It also reminded us that we MUST get away together every year ...It so easy not too isn’t it? With just a little effort it really does keep your relationship on track and make you remember why you’re together!!!

I don’t need to tell you that my Lay Flat Makeup Bag was, as always my God send...its so bloody useful especially when staying in hotels, and as my friend said to me recently, “Why tip it all out when you can spread it out”...I think that may be our new strap line! Order yours for your Mother’s Day gift here, who doesn’t love a new makeup bag to fill up?

I've been asked time and time again to do a makeup class for women 50+
There are so many women who lose their confidence with makeup either after having children, or having gone through the menopause and found that their skin is completely different to how it was a few years ago.
Ageing can be stressful enough, we look in the mirror and we realise that the face staring back at us just isn’t like ours anymore, or doesn’t look like it used to. We all know that our skin texture changes, even the colour of our skin looks different as we age, not forgetting the lines that creep in. But what women forget to do as they age is change their makeup products.
Our skin doesn’t suit the foundation that we have been using since we were 25! We’ve stopped using bronzer because we think that’s a ‘young’ persons product and we don’t bother applying eye shadow anymore because our eyes have become hooded...the list goes on!
Well, its my job to tell you that you CAN keep wearing makeup, and you CAN still look beautiful and have fun with a variety of products.
If enough people are interested in a class then I’d like to teach you:
- Which products in your makeup bag need updating.
- What the alternative products are out there that you can go and buy without feeling overwhelmed by all those beauty counters.
- How to apply them to flatter the face you have now!
We can go through any techniques and looks you would like to learn.
It's not as scary as you think...just a few tips will make the whole world of difference not only to your face but to your well being.
Leave a comment below to let me know if you would be interested in my masterclass.

10 commenti
I’d love to see 50+ makeup sessions for everyday wear for black skin. I don’t wear makeup everyday however I cleanse & use moisturiser everyday & do a night routine followed by night cream
Hi Donna – do it! As a ‘mid-ult’ myself 🤣 & relatively recently qualified makeup artist this would be really helpful. I also work as a volunteer makeup artist with the charity Look Good Feel Better. We often get ‘mature’ ladies in our classes & I always try & take in new tips to each workshop & have used your IGTV tutorials for inspiration so thank you! I’m based up North but would still be interested. Love your ‘real’ approach. 🙌 Keep up the great work. Helen x
Hi Donna.
I would like to nominate my mum for the prize.
She had just returned from a holiday in Portugal before Christmas when she suffered a heart attack & heart failure. She is now on a load of tablets to keep the heart functioning but are making her feel a bit lethargic.
I think that the make up bag would be a great prize for her as although her life seems to be on hold just now, there are plenty of things to look forward to.
We had planned to get my mum a makeup/makeover down in Glasgow before Christmas which has been postponed. We will eventually do it when the time is right & get her a whole new bunch of make up products. (She has already watched your tutorials when you made up your mum!).
The bag is also great for travelling & would be ideal when she goes on holiday again. (She has already told me its ‘when’ not ‘if’ for future holidays & who am I to argue!)
Her attitude to her new ‘normal’ is just amazing.
What a brilliant idea yes please always good to learn
Ps love the make up bags bought friends and family them as gifts all love them !!
I love to see your master classes, they are so helpful where to apply bronzer and best colours for lips and eyes for 50 +!