A run down of Donna's week - Prolon®, Back Trouble and a big heartfelt Thank You!

So I'm sure you are all up to date with the fact that Kaye and I did the Fasting programme with ProLon® last week.
For some reason this pissed a few people off, no idea why but they thought we were being irresponsible! Even though we are grown adults and can chose to do what we want! Anyhow each to their own!
ProLon® is a 5-day program of specially combined food that gives you nutrition but doesn’t activate your body’s food sensing system. In other words, you get to eat, but your body ‘thinks’ it’s on a 5-day fast as its low calorie. Essentially, it’s a ‘fast with food’. It’s based on over 20 years of scientific research sponsored by the National Institutes of Health and the USC Longevity Institute.
We weren't paid to do this, we were given the ProLon® kit and asked if we wanted to experience it....Both Kaye and I are always up for a challenge so we said yes! I pretty much do the 16/8 anyway (I eat in an 8hr window) which is usually 1-9pm, I find this keeps my weight stable and makes me feel good.
We spent 5 days eating a limited macronutrient diet. Each days' food came in a numbered box - which makes things a little easier and takes the stress out of deciding what to eat and the hassle of preparing it.
The first 1-3 days we both had headaches (caffeine withdrawal) and were both cranky and tired...But, we both said by day 4, the hunger cravings had reduced, our bellies were less bloated and we felt 'on top form'.
We both agreed that the programme itself is too expensive (even with the discount code Donna20 for 20% off). If you had the time you could easily prepare your own food and count the macronutrients using the My Fitness Pal App.
We also agreed that the reason we stuck to it (we are both so competitive that neither of us deviated once) was because it was 'ready made' and we didn't have to prepare anything ourselves. Also because the science says it works (many fasting diets are a guessing game) and because if we pay for something we are more likely to stick to it!
Anyway, it was a fun (ummmm) challenge and a good way to detox your system & drop some weight quickly if you need to, but i think i'll be sticking to my 16/8 and Kaye definitely won't be fasting again!
Look at her face in the photo while we Chatted to Don from ProLon®...to be honest this was her face for the whole 5 days! 😂

So I've been going on about my back pain and this week I found out the reason why...my lovely Osteopath Sian Eaton from The Space, Hove referred me for an MRI scan and look what they found...a bulging L4/5 disc resting on my sciatic nerve and sending pain from my hips down to the toes! OUCH!!
I have been referred to the back pain clinic but any tips are welcome!

I just wanted to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU to each and every one of you who purchased on of the Donna's Essential Makeup Kit. We knew you'd love them but we didn't realise how much! (We have literally hundreds of names on the waiting list).
We are trying incredibly hard to organise more for you but, please be patient as it takes so much work and organisation. We only want to bring you products that are well thought out and beautiful so please bear with.
I am putting up tutorials on how to use all of the products and I will be showing you the 101 different looks you can create with them all over the coming weeks.
Please sign up if you would like to add your name to our list and be notified before we release them to our social media feeds.
1 commento
This morning, I’ve sat clutched with my iPad and cup of tea whilst the rest of the house still sleeps and read your news letter.
In my opinion it’s been the best edition for me, I’ve smiled the biggest of smiles, tears fell down my cheeks, and the admiration of how brave and positive people are while other gripe about a train cancellation.
Love, love, love 💗 thank you for sharing,…
Really want a hut Sarah. Xxxx