10 minutes with Judi Love

Judi LOVE....what a name, and what a pleasure...Judi started at Loose Women last year in 2020, My first memory of Judi was how the whole makeup team at Loose wanted to make her up! Judi has the perfect face for any makeup artist to fight over! Great eyes, with a high socket line, perfect for lots of eyeshadow, plus lots of room for BIG lashes! and those lips! I could go on and on, but I won't because Judi is a lot more than her gorgeous face.
You have become a very well known face on our television screens and a wonderful addition to the Loose Women Team - what has been the biggest eye opener since you exploded onto our TV screens?
The reality that you can engage with such a wide audience and connect with so many more people. It’s brilliant
As a comedian, do you feel constant pressure to entertain and which other person in your industry has had the biggest influence on you?
I feel as an entertainer generally there’s that pressure - however, for me, I just feel I’m being myself, and somehow people still find it funny. Comedians love observation so there’s always something to find funny.
If you could go on a ‘social distanced’ walk and gossip with one other person right now, (not friend or family member) who would you choose and why?
It would have to be Oprah, she inspired me through all of her channels and just how she maintained being connected to her audience and being knowledgeable to others.

Do you miss travel? Where will be the first place that you book a trip to?Definitely!! Would just live to sit on a beach with white sand, seafood and sunshine!
You are a mum to 2, 15 year girl and 11 year old boy - how has the homeschooling been going? Is laughter getting you through?Laughter, little bit of wine and prayers, this third lockdown has been easier as they are doing live classes! But just keeping up with the information has been challenging plus it's working.
I love music and it really evokes beautiful emotions and memories. I love old school RnB like Mary J Blige, Reggae like Beres Hammond, Gospel like Fred Hammond and New Soul like Jill Scott and Anita Baker!! She my favourite
Many women flip careers once their children grow older - if you were to move into another career what would this be?
I think I would like to do more acting and motivational work that inspired other people to live their best authentic life
Are you a spender or a saver? What was the last thing you spent over £50 on??Wow I’m a spender!! lol especially in lockdown, over £50 probably perfume and food! But I try not to spend beyond my means.
Ok - lets talk fashion and Beauty...Whose personal style do you really admire?I've probably got my style from plus size models, in honesty a lot of American singers like Amber Riley

Is there one product you have used since your teens that you just can't let go?
Clean and clear for my face

Mac Ruby Wow red
What is your desert island product that you couldn't live without?Coconut oil
Finally, as we are now in lockdown again - this time feels so much tougher than the first time, is there one piece of advice you could give our readers that helps you when you are stressed and anxious?To find a place of peace, this could be through walking, please music, writing and having a routine. If you can find something that uplifts you spiritually as well. Is really good, most importantly speak out of your not feeling yourself. Use the time to invest in you again x