10 minutes with Heidi Range

You are a very well known face most notably as an ex band member of the Sugababes but also as a successful west end actress -  what would you say was your biggest achievement to date and what keeps driving you forward.

My biggest achievement is my daughter Aurelia. I feel so incredibly lucky to have been blessed with her.  She is such a happy, adventurous and kind little girl and I hope I can guide her to stay that way and become a confident and strong lady who follows her dreams.

You have met a lot of people through your work - both famous and not - which one person stands out as the one that has had the biggest influence on you?

Professionally I would say there are two people whose influence made all the difference to me. They are Viv Wells and Leila Begg, two of my singing teachers, who taught me when I was younger.  They both 100% believed in me, pushed me and helped guide me until I joined the band.

If you could go on a ‘social distanced’ walk and gossip with one other person right now, (not friend or family member) who would you choose and why?

Ooh it would have to be Bette Midler. 

My favourite movie as a little girl was Beaches. It was that movie that made me want to sing and I have seen it hundreds of times. 

I was lucky enough to see her in concert a few years ago and she was an absolute hoot. She would definitely put a smile on my face and we could even sing a little tune together. That would definitely be a life box ticked! 

You must have travelled the world as a member of the Sugababes, do you miss travel? Where will be the first place that you book a trip to once we are free to fly again?

I miss travelling sooo much!  All I want to watch on tv at the moment is travel programmes. It’s so nice having that little bit of escapism. 

We had planned a family trip to Marrakech for my sister Hayley’s 40th birthday in May last year, I’m really hoping we can make it this year instead 🤞 

Are you a spender or a saver? What was the last thing you spent over £50 on? Share with us!

I’m definitely a spender, especially when it comes to buying things for my daughter, but this morning I actually bought myself something for a change. 

I have just ordered some Amanda Harrington self tanning products. I’ve not used them before, but have heard some great reviews so am hoping they will give my pasty skin a much needed pick me up. 


Many women flip careers once their children grow older - your daughter is still so young but if you were to start a new career now what would it be?

Performing and music have always been my passion so I think it would always still be connected to that. 

Which song evokes the most memories for you? The one that stops you in your tracks when you hear it?

Video Games by Lana Del Ray, it was a big hit the year I met my husband Alex. I used to play it on repeat when I was getting ready for one of our dates and it always takes me back to that really special summer.

It was also the song we played as I walked down the aisle at our legally binding wedding the day before our big wedding with our friends and family in Florence.

It was just the two of us at that ceremony,  in the old ruin of San Galgano Abbey in the middle of the Tuscan countryside. The whole ceremony was conducted in Italian and the only other people there were the registrar and our wedding planner Sara who translated for us. It was such a magical day.

Ok - lets talk fashion and Beauty...Whose personal style do you really admire?

I think Eva Mendes always looks incredible. She obviously has genetics in her favour, but I think the way she styles herself looks so stylish, classy and effortless.

Do you follow a strict skincare regime? Can you share with our readers?

My skincare routine is quite basic and I should probably start something a bit more advanced. At the moment I use face wash and a moisturiser. My moisturiser is Rose Day Cream by Dr Haushka, it’s super moisturising and feels like you’ve just given your face a big glass of water afterwards.

What is the latest item you purchased for your makeup bag?

Dubonnet Mac lipstick. It’s a deep burgundy colour and looks really glamorous if you want a pop of colour during the colder months. It’s my festive go to! 

Is there one product you have used since your teens that you just can't let go?

I have used Lancôme Flash bronzer gel since I was about 17. It gives your skin a really lovely glow. Unfortunately i think it might have been discontinued recently, I’m on the last drop of it and have been searching high and low without any success! (we found their leg bronzer gel in Boots so you are in luck Heidi!)

Lancome Flash Bronzer Gel

What is your favourite lip colour? Brand and shade?

Spanish Pink by Tom Ford. It’s a peachy/nude colour and is really lovely.

Spanish Pink Lipstick by Tom Ford

What is your desert island product that you couldn't live without?

Dry shampoo, I’m an absolute sucker for it. This sounds really gross, but I only wash my hair once a week and use this the rest of the time. I have quite fine, straight hair naturally, so it always looks better with some added texture and holds a wave much better then too. The blonde versions have been pretty useful during lockdown to help with my enormous roots coming through too!

As we are now in lockdown again - although it does feel slightly different from the first time, is there one piece of advice you could give our readers that helps you when you are stressed and anxious?

I think it’s so important to try to remember to be kind to yourself at the moment. We are living through such a frightening and uncertain time; trying to keep everything as normal as possible. But it’s important to try to remember that this isn’t normal and take the pressure off a bit.

A friend of mine Richie Swan started online HITT classes at the beginning of the first lockdown last year and they have been an absolute godsend for me. He is so positive, motivational and funny. It really sets me up for the day mentally. Lots of my friends are doing it now and it actually feels like we are training and spending time together each morning. I put my mat out in our living room and Aurelia gets to enjoy her screen time next to me, which gives us both a bit of time out from it all.

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